Ink Stained Wretches – Wow!

Super thrilled – my Wall Street Journal column about the horrors of “impact” and “impactful” got a mention on one of my favourite podcasts, the Ink Stained Wretches! I am pleased, to say the least. I had written to Chris Stirewalt and Eliana Johnson – the show’s clever hosts – because Stirewalt had stated a couple of weeks ago that the word “impactful” should, more often than not, be replaced with “effective.” So true! Anyway, they read my email and linked to my column. By the way, if you are interested in media, in the news about the news, you can’t go wrong with the Wretches. (We need a Canuck version, stat.) Other podcasts I enjoy: Commentary, Call Me Back, Andrew Sullivan’s Dishcast, The Tudor Chest and Conversations with Tyler (Cowen). That was not a complete list, but I only have so much space here. I must be getting old because I find podcasts a much better accompaniment to a walk than music, though I love music. With music, I often start walking to the beat and can get dangerously distracted. Not good when you should be paying attention to traffic lights.