Tag Archives: France

18 Juin et Autres Choses

I’ve re-pinned a piece about June 18th and its significance in France to the top of my Substack, if you are interested. And speaking of France, the style icon Francoise Hardy died a few days ago and the glorious Anouk Aimee passed away today, at the age of 92. Hardy’s music was a part of my life in France – really, part of the soundtrack, to use a journalistic cliche. As for Aimee, such a list of fine performances, but my favourite has to be Une Homme et une Femme.

Robert Badinter

To keep my French up, I watch French news programs and recently, I saw an interview with Robert Badinter. Badinter is a serious person, a heavyweight. He is in his 90s and absolutely on the ball. He was France’s Minister of Justice in the ’80s and oversaw the end of death penalty there. His father was murdered in Sobibor. I could not find the whole interview but here is part of it – he is talking about Ukraine, about Europe, about war, about Putin and his war crimes. He also touches on the French protests about retirement age. There are no subtitles, so only for French speakers.