- Always keep New Year’s resolutions.
- Get up early and get right out of bed and meditate for ten minutes before starting day (but only after coffee). Am already doing that this morning.
- Lose weight. Get more fit. Before this happens:
- Cut down on wine intake, no matter how stressed I am. Find other ways to handle stress, such as herbal tea.
- Do something creative/career-oriented every day, and not just watch old episodes of ’70s TV shows on YouTube.
- Be more patient with other humans and also with myself.
- Be less gutless.
- Be less of a ridiculous person.
- Don’t buy any more lipsticks/lip glosses until have used up all the ones I have, which are myriad.
- Remember I am lucky to be alive and healthy (touch wood).
- Be a better girlfriend to Significant Other, who puts up with me for reasons I will never understand.
- Help as many animals as I can.
- Try to be as vegan as I can.
- Read Finnegans Wake (and don’t put an apostrophe in the title, even though I really want to. Joyce wanted the title that way, and yes, I realize it means something).
- Fight my natural introversion and actually go out sometimes to see friends and family instead of merely maintaining relationship with them over social media.
- Remember that life is just a bowl of cherries. Don’t take it serious. It’s too mysterious:
It is…not, but try to believe it is! Happy 2016, dear readers.